Welcome to MyCareCorner, your personal portal to your health record. We created this simple, yet comprehensive guide to help you navigate through your new portal.

Getting Started

We will provide you with an email (if you provided an email address at registration) or a printed copy of instructions for accessing the MyCareCorner website.

Using the Email

  1. Click the link in the email. The MyCareCorner welcome page is launched in your web browser.
  2. Click Continue. A security question is displayed to confirm your identity. Answer the question and click Next.
  3. A question is displayed: Do you already have a MyCareCorner account? Click the appropriate answer.
    1. If you click Yes, the Sign In page is displayed. Enter your Email and Password and click Sign In. An Invitation to Access page is displayed, indicating records that can be associated with your account. See the next section of this document for next steps: I Have an Existing MyCareCorner Account.
    2. If you click No, the Create Your MyCareCorner Account page is displayed. Proceed with step 4.
  4. In the fields on the Create Your Account page, enter your first name, last name, an email address and password.
  5. Check the I agree to the Terms and Conditions box.
  6. Click Next. The Create Health Record page is displayed.
  7. Enter the information for the health record in the fields provided: First Name, Last Name, Relationship to You, Country, Postal Code/Zip, Sex, and Date of Birth. NOTE: This could be a person other than you if you are Using the MyCareCorner Patient Portal setting up the health record for a child, spouse, or you are a patient representative.
  8. Click Next. An authorization message is displayed indicating the access being given. Click Authorize.
  9. An Access approved message is displayed. Click Home to enter the patient portal.

Using the Printed Instructions

  1. Open your web browser, type the URL from the printed invitation into the address bar, and press . The Welcome page is displayed.
  2. Click Continue. The Identity Code screen is displayed.
  3. Enter the invitation code from your printed instructions.
  4. Click Submit. The Create Your MyCareCorner Account page is displayed.
  5. The remaining steps are the same as in the Using the Email section on page 1. See steps 3-9 of that section to complete the process.

I Have an Existing MyCareCorner Account

If you have an existing MyCareCorner account and have received an invitation to create a health record for an additional person (or for yourself), you must select the health record to associate with your account.

  1. Click the link in the email. The MyCareCorner welcome page is launched and displayed in your web browser.
  2. Click Continue. A security question is displayed to confirm your identity. Answer the question and click Next.
  3. A question is displayed: Do you already have a MyCareCorner account? Select Yes.
  4. An Invitation to Access page is displayed with the name of the person’s health record that you are accessing.
  5. If the invitation is for you and your health record is listed, select it and click Finish. If you are managing another person’s health record, you will need to create a new record. Click Create New Record.
  6. It is important to note that multiple patients can be set up under one account (or email address/password combination) so that spouses and/or children can be accessed from a single account holder.
  7. Enter the information about the person whose health information you are managing (this may be you or someone else). Enter their first name, last name, sex, and date of birth (you may also enter their relationship to you) and press the Next button. Your account and health record is now created.
  8. Click Home to go to the MyCareCorner patient portal home page.

Accessing Areas of Your Health Record

MyCareCorner provides access to your personal health record. The home screen (or dashboard) contains tiles you can click to view areas of your record. Or, you can use the menu options on the left to navigate to areas of your record: Health Record, Medical Readings, Healthy Living, and Communication Center. Select the name of the group to expand it.

Viewing and Managing Your Health Information

Information in your health record can either come from the hospital information system or you can add it manually. If information comes from the hospital/clinic system, you will NOT be able to edit it. However, if you enter the information manually, you are able to edit or delete it. If you add information manually, it is important to note that your providers and their staff are NOT able to view your personal portal record – if you have information that your provider should know, please call the provider’s office to notify them. From each page, use these methods to modify the information you have manually added to your personal health record:

  1. Click a row within the list (e.g., a specific appointment within the list of appointments) to view more details about that entry. The details appear in a pop-up window on the right side of the screen.
  2. From the pop-up window, click Delete to delete the entry or Edit to edit it. To close the window, click the “X” in the upper-right corner of the window.
  3. To add a new entry (e.g., a new allergy from the Allergies screen, or a new appointment or reminder from the Appointments screen), click the plus sign (+) in the lower-right corner of the screen. Enter the appropriate information and click Save. Be sure to complete all required fields (those marked with a red asterisk).
  4. To sort the data in a list differently, click the column heading you want to sort by. Click the same heading again to reverse the sort. IMPORTANT REMINDER! You cannot edit information that is displayed from the hospital information system. And, your providers are not able to see your portal record. If you have information that your providers need to know, please send a message or call your provider’s office to notify them.

Viewing and Editing Your Profile

To view and update your profile information, click the circle with your initials on it (in the upper-right corner of the screen) and select My Profile. Select the Edit Details button to enter any missing information and/or edit the existing information. If you want to upload a picture to use in place of your initials to access your profile, click Upload Picture. When finished updating your profile, click Save.


The Appointments page displays appointments with your health care providers. The appointments are displayed automatically if with a provider linked to MyCareCorner. Or, you may also manually add appointments to display on this page. To add an appointment, click the plus button. Enter the details for the appointment and click Save. To set a reminder for an appointment, click the blue Set Reminder button. To see all reminders, see the Reminders page.

Sending and Receiving Messages

You can see messages on the Home screen in the Messages tile. Or, use the Communication Center > Messages menu option to view the messages full screen and send messages to your care providers.

  1. The list defaults to messages you have received in your Inbox. Click the Sent button to display sent messages. Toggle back to received messages by clicking the Inbox button.
  2. To view, delete, or reply to a message, click the row for that message. The message and corresponding options appear in the message detail window.
  3. To send a new message, click the plus button (lower right corner) and send a message using one of the following methods:
    1. Direct/Secure Messaging (Use the To my Doctor option): This allows you to send secure messages to any provider with a direct secure email address. You must type the direct email address (provided by the physician/provider) in the To field. This provides a secure way to send PHI (patient health information) to providers, however, does not provide the ability to generate replies back to you.
    2. General Messaging (Use the To my Doctor option): This allows you to send messages to providers who are associated with your record. The user must select the appropriate provider in the drop-down list in the To field. These messages can be replied to and replies will display in MyCareCorner.
    3. General Messaging (Use the To personal email option): This allows you to send messages to any personal or non-secure email addresses. You must type the email address in the To field. These outgoing emails are not secure; therefore, we do not recommend patients send any PHI when sending an email to an outside email address. These messages cannot be replied to. Then, type a subject and the message text, and add any attachments, if necessary. (You can select attachments from the files stored in the Documents section of My Care Corner or upload files from your computer.)

It is important to note that if you are sending sensitive information, general messaging is not encrypted and is an unsecure way of sending your personal information. To send sensitive or personal information, it is recommended to use Direct/Secure Messaging.

Notification Settings

You have the ability to receive customized notifications when new messages, files, or data elements have been added to your health record. To set up your notifications, select the Communications Center > Notification Settings option. From the Notification Center, click the red add button to create a new notification.


This page displays reminders that you have created from the Medications and Appointments pages. You can filter the list to show All, Upcoming, or Past Appointments.

Need More Help?

When using the patient portal, you can click the Need Help? button located in the upper right corner of the screen to access online application help.

You can also call 870-265-9321 for assistance. Please leave a voicemail with your name, date of birth, and reason for calling.