Community Events Survey

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey! This survey will help us learn what topics our community is most interested in which will allow us to plan more successful community events. All questions are optional, and your individual responses are private.

Community Survey
1. What is your age group?
2. What is your gender?
3. Which of the following health topics interest you the most? (Check all that apply.)
4. Are there any chronic health conditions you would be interested in learning more about? (Check all that apply.)
6. What format would you prefer for a group gathering to learn about health topics important to you? (Check all that apply.)
7. What would motivate you to attend these events? (Check all that apply.)
8. What days of the week would be most convenient for you to attend these events? (Check all that apply.)
9. What time of the day is most convenient if you were to attend these events? (Check all that apply.)
10. What's the most convenient amount of time you would spend at one of these events?
11. What might prevent you from attending these events? (Check all that apply.)
13. How do you learn about hospital events and news?